About Is Bigger Than

Is Bigger Than is a website that arose from a common need which is to compare two things by their size.

When we want to compare two elements such as cities, countries, vehicles, animals, units of measurement, we always follow the same process:

  • We look for the information that we want to compare about the first element
  • We memorize this information
  • We look for the size of the second element
  • With a little luck we remember the size of the first element
  • We compare them

However, this process can be faster and easier if with a single search, on a simple website such as isbiggerthan.com, the information on both elements is shown and also the answer to the comparison.

Each page on the website shows a comparison between two entities that are usually compared and every day the number of comparisons grows.

The goal of IsBiggerThan.com is to become the Wikipedia of size comparisons.

Can you help us? If you think a category is missing or you would like us to make a new comparison, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you

Is Bigger Than Team